Memorandum of Understanding
MEDI-CAPS University, India
The Rector of Institut Agama Islam (IAI) DDI Polewali Mandar, Indonesia and MEDI-CAP University, India for the purpose of furthering cooperation in both education and academic research, hereby affirm their intent to promote such academic exchange as will be of mutual benefit for their respective institutions. Academic exchange is considered here to include but not be limited to:
- Development of mutually beneficial academic and training programs;
- Exchange of faculty and staff for purposes of teaching, research and extension;
- Reciprocal assistance for visiting academic faculty, staff and students;
- Coordination of such activities as joint research and transfer of technology; (5) Exchange of documentation and research materials in fields of mutual interests.
Details of the implementation of any particular exchange resulting from this Memorandum of Understanding shall be negotiated between the two institutions as such specific case may arise, and is subject to availability of sufficient funds.
This Memorandum of Understanding to promote academic exchange and cooperation will be valid for five years and is subject to revision, renewal or cancellation by mutual consent and shall be implemented in the form of Memorandum of Agreement which explain in details the rights and obligations of each parties.
This Memorandum of Understanding becomes effective upon completion of signature.
lN WITNESS, therefore, the parties have hereunto set their respective signatures on this date.
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